BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: LPC5411X

-- *************************************(C) COPYRIGHT 20xx NXP Semiconductors  *************************************************
-- File Name: WLCSP49.bsdl
-- Version: V1.0
-- Date: 03/11/2016
-- Description: Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) file for the NXP Semiconductors  Microcontrollers
-- ********************************************************************************************************************************************
-- BSDL file that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only which provides customers to perform boundary 
-- scan on the LPC products.  This file is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind.NXP Semiconductors 
-- assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the file, conveys no license or rights under any patent, copyright, 
-- mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the 
-- right to make changes in the file without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no representation or warranty 
-- that such application will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.

-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this file is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' without fee, 
-- provided that it is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This copyright, permission, and 
-- disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of this file.
-- ********************************************************************************************************************************************

-- pins not part of boundary scan are listed as type 'linkage'

entity LPC5411x is

generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "WLCSP49");

port (
	p0_23 				: inout 	bit;  
	p0_24 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_25 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_26 				: inout 	bit; 
	usb0_P_pad 			: linkage 	bit;
	usb0_M_pad 			: linkage 	bit;
	p0_29 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_30 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_31 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_0 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_1 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_2 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_3 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_4 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_5 				: inout 	bit; 
	vssa 				: linkage 	bit; 
	vrefp 				: linkage 	bit; 
	vdda 				: linkage 	bit; 
	vdde_2 				: linkage 	bit; 
	gnde_3	 			: linkage 	bit; 
	p1_6 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_7 				: inout 	bit; 
	p1_8 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_0 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_1 				: inout 	bit; 
	rtcx1 				: linkage 	bit; 
	rtcx2 				: linkage 	bit; 
	p0_4 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_5 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_6 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_7 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_8 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_9 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_10 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_11 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_12 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_13 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_14 				: in 		bit; 
	p0_15 				: out 		bit;
	p0_16 				: inout 	bit;
	p0_17 				: inout 	bit;
	gnde_6 				: linkage 	bit;
	vdde_6 				: linkage 	bit;
	p0_18 				: in 		bit; 
	p0_19 				: in 		bit; 
	p0_20 				: in 		bit; 
	p0_21 				: inout 	bit; 
	p0_22 				: inout 	bit; 
	resetn 				: in 		bit 
use STD_1149_1_2001.all;

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of LPC5411x : entity is "std_1149_1_2001";

attribute PIN_MAP               of LPC5411x : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant WLCSP49 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
	"p0_23 				: F2," &
	"p0_24 				: F1," &
	"p0_25 				: E2," &
	"p0_26 				: E1," &
	"usb0_P_pad 		: D2," &
	"usb0_M_pad 		: D1," &
	"p0_29 				: D3," &
	"p0_30 				: C1," &
	"p0_31 				: C2," &
	"p1_0 				: C3," &
	"p1_1 				: B1," &
	"p1_2 				: A1," &
	"p1_3 				: B2," &
	"p1_4 				: A2," &
	"p1_5 				: B3," &
	"vssa 				: A3," &
	"vrefp 				: B4," &
	"vdda 				: A4," &
	"vdde_2 			: C4," &
	"gnde_3 			: D4," &
	"p1_6 				: A5," &
	"p1_7 				: B5," &
	"p1_8 				: C5," &
	"p0_0 				: A6," &
	"p0_1 				: B6," &
	"rtcx1 				: A7," &
	"rtcx2 				: B7," &
	"p0_4 				: C7," &
	"p0_5 				: C6," &
	"p0_6 				: D7," &
	"p0_7 				: D6," &
	"p0_8 				: D5," &
	"p0_9 				: E7," &
	"p0_10 				: E6," &
	"p0_11 				: E5," &
	"p0_12 				: F7," &
	"p0_13 				: G7," &
	"p0_14 				: F6," &
	"p0_15 				: G6," &
	"p0_16 				: F5," &
	"p0_17 				: G5," &
	"gnde_6 			: E4," &
	"vdde_6 			: F4," &
	"p0_18 				: G4," &
	"p0_19 				: G3," &
	"p0_20 				: F3," &
	"p0_21 				: E3," &
	"p0_22 				: G2," &
	"resetn 			: G1";
-- *********************************************************************
-- *                       IEEE 1149.1 TAP PORTS                       *
-- *********************************************************************
-- This section specifies the TAP ports. For the TAP TCK port, the
--  parameters in the brackets are: 
--        First Field : Maximum  TCK frequency.
--        Second Field: Allowable states where TCK may be stopped.

    attribute    TAP_SCAN_CLOCK   of p0_14                 : signal  is (10.00e+06,BOTH);
    attribute    TAP_SCAN_IN      of p0_19                 : signal  is true;
    attribute    TAP_SCAN_MODE    of p0_20                 : signal  is true;
    attribute    TAP_SCAN_OUT     of p0_15                 : signal  is true;
    attribute    TAP_SCAN_RESET   of p0_18                 : signal  is true;

-- Specifies the compliance enable patterns for the design. It lists a set of  
-- design ports and the values that they should be set to, in order to enable  
-- compliance to IEEE Std 1149.1

   attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of LPC5411x: entity is 
        "(resetn) (0)";

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                   INSTRUCTIONS AND REGISTER ACCESS                *
-- *********************************************************************

    attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of LPC5411x : entity is 5;
    attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of LPC5411x : entity is   
        "extest (00000)," &
        "sample (00001)," &
        "preload (00001)," &
        "idcode (00100)," &
        "highz (00010)," &
        "clamp (00011)," &
        "bypass (11111)," &
        "resrvd (00101, 00111, 01001)";
    attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of LPC5411x : entity is "00001";
    attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of LPC5411x : entity is "resrvd";

    attribute IDCODE_REGISTER     of LPC5411x : entity is 
        "0001"                 &    -- Version Number 
        "0111001001011110"     &    -- Part Number 
        "00000010101"          &    -- Manufacturer ID 
        "1";                        -- Required by IEEE 

    attribute REGISTER_ACCESS     of LPC5411x : entity is 
        "BOUNDARY  (extest, sample, preload), " & 
        "DEVICE_ID (idcode), " & 
        "BYPASS    (highz, clamp, bypass)";

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                    BOUNDARY SCAN CELL INFORMATION                 *
-- *********************************************************************
    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH   of LPC5411x : entity is 135;
    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of LPC5411x : entity is
--	"#      cell   name                                              function  safe    control disable disable 
--	"       type                                                               bit     signal  value   result  
	"134   (BC_4,  p0_21,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"133   (BC_1,  p0_21,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      132,    0,      Z       ),"&
	"132   (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"131   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"130   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"129   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"128   (BC_4,  p0_22,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"127   (BC_1,  p0_22,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      126,    0,      Z       ),"&
	"126   (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"125   (BC_4,  p0_23,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"124   (BC_1,  p0_23,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      123,    0,      WEAK1   ),"&
	"123   (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"122   (BC_4,  p0_24,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"121   (BC_1,  p0_24,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      120,    0,      WEAK1   ),"&
	"120   (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"119   (BC_4,  p0_25,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"118   (BC_1,  p0_25,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      117,    0,      WEAK1   ),"&
	"117   (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"116   (BC_4,  p0_26,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"115   (BC_1,  p0_26,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      114,    0,      WEAK1   ),"&
	"114   (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"113   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"112   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"111   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"110   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"109   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"108   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"107   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"106   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"105   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"104   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"103   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"102   (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"101   (BC_4,  p0_29,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"100   (BC_1,  p0_29,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      99,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"99    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"98    (BC_4,  p0_30,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"97    (BC_1,  p0_30,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      96,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"96    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"95    (BC_4,  p0_31,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"94    (BC_1,  p0_31,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      93,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"93    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"92    (BC_4,  p1_0,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"91    (BC_1,  p1_0,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      90,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"90    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"89    (BC_4,  p1_1,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"88    (BC_1,  p1_1,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      87,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"87    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"86    (BC_4,  p1_2,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"85    (BC_1,  p1_2,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      84,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"84    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"83    (BC_4,  p1_3,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"82    (BC_1,  p1_3,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      81,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"81    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"80    (BC_4,  p1_4,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"79    (BC_1,  p1_4,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      78,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"78    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"77    (BC_4,  p1_5,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"76    (BC_1,  p1_5,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      75,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"75    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"74    (BC_4,  p1_6,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"73    (BC_1,  p1_6,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      72,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"72    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"71    (BC_4,  p1_7,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"70    (BC_1,  p1_7,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      69,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"69    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"68    (BC_4,  p1_8,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"67    (BC_1,  p1_8,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      66,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"66    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"65    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"64    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"63    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"62    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"61    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"60    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"59    (BC_4,  p0_0,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"58    (BC_1,  p0_0,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      57,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"57    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"56    (BC_4,  p0_1,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"55    (BC_1,  p0_1,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      54,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"54    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"53    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"52    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"51    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"50    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"49    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"48    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"47    (BC_4,  p0_4,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"46    (BC_1,  p0_4,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      45,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"45    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"44    (BC_4,  p0_5,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"43    (BC_1,  p0_5,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      42,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"42    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"41    (BC_4,  p0_6,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"40    (BC_1,  p0_6,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      39,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"39    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"38    (BC_4,  p0_7,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"37    (BC_1,  p0_7,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      36,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"36    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"35    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"34    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"33    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"32    (BC_4,  p0_8,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"31    (BC_1,  p0_8,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      30,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"30    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"29    (BC_4,  p0_9,                                             INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"28    (BC_1,  p0_9,                                             OUTPUT3,  X,      27,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"27    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"26    (BC_4,  p0_10,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"25    (BC_1,  p0_10,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      24,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"24    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"23    (BC_4,  p0_11,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"22    (BC_1,  p0_11,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      21,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"21    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"20    (BC_4,  p0_12,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"19    (BC_1,  p0_12,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      18,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"18    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"17    (BC_4,  p0_13,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"16    (BC_1,  p0_13,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      15,     0,      Z       ),"&
	"15    (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"14    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"13    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"12    (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"11    (BC_4,  p0_16,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"10    (BC_1,  p0_16,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      9,      0,      Z       ),"&
	"9     (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"8     (BC_4,  p0_17,                                            INPUT,    X                               ),"&
	"7     (BC_1,  p0_17,                                            OUTPUT3,  X,      6,      0,      Z       ),"&
	"6     (BC_1,  *,                                                CONTROL,  0                               ),"&
	"5     (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"4     (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"3     (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"2     (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"1     (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               ),"&
	"0     (BC_0,  *,                                                INTERNAL, X                               )";
end LPC5411x;