BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: ZL30402B

-- **********************************************************************
--  FILE :  /projects/rt19/c333_prodev_tw/master/srevA/prevA/zl30402b.bsd
--  generated by  tw333 on Mon Aug 19 18:00:45 EDT 2002
--  using p.jtag.bsd rev 2.0 July 23, 2002
--  BSDL description for top level entity ZL30402B
--  Device : ZL30402        Package : QFP 
--  Number of BSC cells: 74
-- **********************************************************************
--                        IMPORTANT NOTICE
--  This information is for modeling purposes only, and is not guaranteed.
--  This information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
--  It may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
--  ZARLINK and ZL30402 are trademarks of ZARLINK Semiconductor. ZARLINK
--  products, marketed under trademarks, are protected under numerous US
--  and foreign patents and pending applications,  maskwork rights,  and
--  copyrights.
--  ZARLINK reserves the right to make changes to any products and 
--  services at any time without notice.  ZARLINK assumes no
--  responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of
--  any information, product, or service described herein except as
--  expressly agreed to in writing by ZARLINK Corporation. ZARLINK 
--  customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device 
--  specifications before relying on any published information and before
--  placing orders for products or services.
--  *********************************************************************

--  ********************************************************************
--  Modification History:
--       Initial release:   Wed Jan  9 12:01:19 EST 2002
--       rev. 2.0:  Aug 20, 2002, T. Wu
--          - revision change on the device ID CODE
--          - one signal became internal (cell no. 18)
--          - compliant with  STD_1149_1_2001 (from STD_1149_1_1994)
--  ********************************************************************

--  ********************************************************************
--  ********************************************************************

entity ZL30402B is

  generic(PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "QFP_PACKAGE");

port (
      		 A: in bit_vector (0 to 6);
      		 AT1: linkage bit;
      		 C15: out bit;
      		 C155N: linkage bit;
      		 C155P: linkage bit;
      		 C16OB: out bit;
      		 C19O: out bit;
      		 C20I: in bit;
      		 C2O: out bit;
      		 C34C44: buffer bit;
      		 C4OB: out bit;
      		 C6: out bit;
      		 C8O: out bit;
      		 CSB: in bit;
      		 D: inout bit_vector (0 to 7);
      		 DSB: in bit;
      		 DT1: linkage bit;
      		 E3D3_OC3B: in bit;
      		 E3_DS3B: in bit;
      		 F0O: out bit;
     		 F160: out bit;
      		 F80: out bit;
     		 FMS1: in bit;
      		 HOLDOVER: buffer bit;
      		 HW: in bit;
      		 IDDQ: linkage bit;
      		 LOCK: buffer bit;
     		 MS1: in bit;
      		 MS2: in bit;
		 NO_CONNECT: linkage bit_vector (0 to 2);
      		 OE: in bit;
      		 PRI: in bit;
      		 PRIOOR: buffer bit;
      		 REFALIGNB: in bit;
      		 RESETB: in bit;
      		 RSEL: in bit;
      		 RWB: in bit;
      		 SECOOR: buffer bit;
      		 SG1: linkage bit;
      		 TCK: in bit;
      		 TDI: in bit;
      		 TDO: out bit;
      		 TEST1: linkage bit;
      		 TEST2TM1: linkage bit;
      		 TM2: linkage bit;
      		 TMS: in bit;
      		 TRSTB: linkage bit;
      		 XSEC: in bit;
      		 VDD: linkage bit_vector (0 to 6);
      		 VDDPLL: linkage bit;
      		 VSS: linkage bit_vector (1 to 8);
      		 VSSPLL: linkage bit


  use STD_1149_1_2001.all;

  attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of ZL30402B : entity is

  attribute PIN_MAP of ZL30402B : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
  "A                :(79       , " & -- A[0]            
                     "2        , " & -- A[1]            
                     "3        , " & -- A[2]            
                     "4        , " & -- A[3]            
                     "5        , " & -- A[4]            
                     "7        , " & -- A[5]            
                     "8       ), " & -- A[6]            
  "AT1              : 26       , " &  
  "C15              : 42       , " &  
  "C155N            : 30       , " &  
  "C155P            : 31       , " &  
  "C16OB            : 13       , " &  
  "C19O             : 46       , " &  
  "C20I             : 51       , " &  
  "C2O              : 16       , " &  
  "C34C44           : 53       , " &  
  "C4OB             : 15       , " &  
  "C6               : 43       , " &  
  "C8O              : 14       , " &  
  "CSB              : 63       , " &  
  "D                :(66       , " & -- D[0]            
                     "67       , " & -- D[1]            
                     "68       , " & -- D[2]            
                     "69       , " & -- D[3]            
                     "74       , " & -- D[4]            
                     "75       , " & -- D[5]            
                     "76       , " & -- D[6]            
                     "77      ), " & -- D[7]            
  "DSB              : 59       , " &  
  "DT1              : 1        , " &  
  "E3D3_OC3B        : 21       , " &  
  "E3_DS3B          : 22       , " &  
  "F0O              : 17       , " &  
  "F160             : 12       , " &  
  "F80              : 20       , " &  
  "FMS1             : 9        , " &  
  "HOLDOVER         : 55       , " &  
  "HW               : 65       , " &  
  "IDDQ             : 71       , " &  
  "LOCK             : 57       , " &  
  "MS1              : 18       , " &  
  "MS2              : 19       , " &
  "NO_CONNECT       : (33,56,39)  , " &
  "OE               : 62       , " &  
  "PRI              : 24       , " &  
  "PRIOOR           : 41       , " &  
  "REFALIGNB        : 48       , " &  
  "RESETB           : 64       , " &  
  "RSEL             : 47       , " &  
  "RWB              : 78       , " &  
  "SECOOR           : 61       , " &  
  "SG1              : 60       , " &  
  "TCK              : 36       , " &  
  "TDI              : 38       , " &  
  "TDO              : 34       , " &  
  "TEST1            : 44       , " &  
  "TEST2TM1         : 72       , " &  
  "TM2              : 80       , " &  
  "TMS              : 35       , " &  
  "TRSTB            : 37       , " &  
  "XSEC             : 23       , " &  
  "VDD              :(29,   10,   40,   49,   54,   73,   58)," &
  "VDDPLL           : 28       , " &   
  "VSS              :(11,   25,   6,    32,   45,   50,   52,   70)," &
  "VSSPLL           : 27";              
  attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI     : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS     : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO     : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK     : signal is (5.0e6,BOTH);

  attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of ZL30402B : entity is 3;
  attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of ZL30402B : entity is
    "idcode  (001)," &
    "bypass  (111)," &
    "sample  (010)," &
    "preload (010)," &
    "extest  (000)"; 

  attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of ZL30402B : entity is "001";

  attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of ZL30402B : entity is
        "0000" & 		 		 -- version
        "0001010000000010" &    -- part number  1402
        "00010100101" &		 		 -- manufacturer id

  attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of ZL30402B : entity is
    "boundary (extest, sample, preload)," &
    "bypass (bypass)," &
    "device_id (idcode)" ;

  attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of ZL30402B : entity is 74;
  attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of ZL30402B : entity is

--       num      cell  port                    function       safe ccel  disval  rslt

		 " 0     ( BC_4, CSB,                    input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 1     ( BC_4, OE,                     input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 2     ( BC_1, SECOOR,                 output2,       X)                        ," &
		 " 3     ( BC_4, DSB,                    input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 4     ( BC_1, LOCK,                   output2,       X)                        ," &
		 " 5     ( BC_4, *,                      internal,      0)                        ," &
		 " 6     ( BC_1, HOLDOVER,               output2,       X)                        ," &
		 " 7     ( BC_1, C34C44,                 output2,       X)                        ," &
		 " 8     ( BC_4, C20I,                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 9     ( BC_4, REFALIGNB,              input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 10    ( BC_4, RSEL,                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 11    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 12    ( BC_1, C19O,                   output3,       X,   11,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 13    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 14    ( BC_1, C6,                     output3,       X,   13,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 15    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 16    ( BC_1, C15,                    output3,       X,   15,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 17    ( BC_1, PRIOOR,                 output2,       X)                        ," &
		 " 18    ( BC_4, *,                      internal,      X)                        ," &
		 " 19    ( BC_4, PRI,                    input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 20    ( BC_4, XSEC,                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 21    ( BC_4, E3_DS3B,                input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 22    ( BC_4, E3D3_OC3B,              input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 23    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 24    ( BC_1, F160,                   output3,       X,   23,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 25    ( BC_4, MS2,                    input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 26    ( BC_4, MS1,                    input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 27    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 28    ( BC_1, F0O,                    output3,       X,   27,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 29    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 30    ( BC_1, C2O,                    output3,       X,   29,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 31    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 32    ( BC_1, C4OB,                   output3,       X,   31,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 33    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 34    ( BC_1, C8O,                    output3,       X,   33,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 35    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 36    ( BC_1, C16OB,                  output3,       X,   35,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 37    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 38    ( BC_1, F80,                    output3,       X,   37,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 39    ( BC_4, FMS1,                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 40    ( BC_4, A(6),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 41    ( BC_4, A(5),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 42    ( BC_4, A(4),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 43    ( BC_4, A(3),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 44    ( BC_4, A(2),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 45    ( BC_4, A(1),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 46    ( BC_4, A(0),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 47    ( BC_4, RWB,                    input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 48    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 49    ( BC_1, D(7),                   output3,       X,   48,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 50    ( BC_4, D(7),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 51    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 52    ( BC_1, D(6),                   output3,       X,   51,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 53    ( BC_4, D(6),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 54    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 55    ( BC_1, D(5),                   output3,       X,   54,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 56    ( BC_4, D(5),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 57    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 58    ( BC_1, D(4),                   output3,       X,   57,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 59    ( BC_4, D(4),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 60    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 61    ( BC_1, D(3),                   output3,       X,   60,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 62    ( BC_4, D(3),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 63    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 64    ( BC_1, D(2),                   output3,       X,   63,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 65    ( BC_4, D(2),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 66    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 67    ( BC_1, D(1),                   output3,       X,   66,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 68    ( BC_4, D(1),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 69    ( BC_1, *,                      control,       0)                        ," &
		 " 70    ( BC_1, D(0),                   output3,       X,   69,    0,      Z)    ," &
		 " 71    ( BC_4, D(0),                   input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 72    ( BC_4, HW,                     input,         X)                        ," &
		 " 73    ( BC_4, RESETB,                 input,         X)                        ";

end ZL30402B;

------------- end of BSDL description for the ZL30402B ----------