BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: XCF16P_VO48

--$ XILINX$RCSfile: xcf16p_vo48.bsd,v $
--$ XILINX$Revision: 1.4 $
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Xilinx, Inc.
-- This design is confidential and proprietary of Xilinx, All Rights Reserved.
--   ____  ____
--  /   /\/   /
-- /___/  \  /  Vendor:         Xilinx
-- \   \   \/   Version:        v1.01 (PROM BSDL template version)
--  \   \       Application:, 1.00
--  /   /       Filename:       xcf16p_vo48.bsd
-- /___/   /\   Generated:      Thu Feb 14 05:43:24 2008
-- \   \  /  \  State:          $State: PRELIMINARY $
--  \___\/\___\                  
-- Device:      XCF16P
-- Package:     VO48, VOG48
-- Purpose:     IEEE 1149.1 BSDL file
-- Reference:   None
-- Revisions:   
--  1.00 - Created.
--  1.01 - Isolated CF pin input cell from output/control cells.
-- Technical Support:
-- Find the latest version of this BSDL file, find technical support answers, 
--  or find contact information at:
-- Special Instructions:
-- This BSDL file reflects the pre-configuration behavior. To reflect
--  the post-configuration JTAG behavior (if any), edit this file as 
--  described below:
--      1. Rename file and entity if necessary to avoid name collisions.
--      2. Modify USERCODE value in USERCODE_REGISTER declaration.
-- BSDL Silicon Validation Information
--  None.
entity XCF16P_VO48 is

generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "VO48");

port (
    BUSY:       in      bit;
    CE:         in      bit;
    CEO:        out     bit;
    -- CF can work as an in or out, but not as an inout.
    -- Default is an "in" port type.
    -- To make CF an "out" port type, exchange the CF port definition with
    -- the commented definition below, and modify the BOUNDARY_REGISTER
    -- definition as described in the comments in the BOUNDARY_REGISTER 
    -- section.
    -- CF:         out     bit;
    CF:         in      bit;
    CLK:        in      bit;
    CLKOUT:     out     bit;
    D0:         out     bit;
    D1:         out     bit;
    D2:         out     bit;
    D3:         out     bit;
    D4:         out     bit;
    D5:         out     bit;
    D6:         out     bit;
    D7:         out     bit;
    EN_EXT_SEL: in      bit;
    GND:        linkage bit_vector (1 to 7);
    OE_RESET:   inout   bit;
    REV_SEL0:   in      bit;
    REV_SEL1:   in      bit;
    TCK:        in      bit;
    TDI:        in      bit;
    TDO:        out     bit;
    TMS:        in      bit;
    VCCINT:     linkage bit_vector (1 to 3);
    VCCJ:       linkage bit;
    VCCO:       linkage bit_vector (1 to 4);
    DNC:        linkage bit_vector (1 to 11)
); --end port list

use STD_1149_1_2001.all;

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is 

attribute PIN_MAP of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is 

constant VO48: PIN_MAP_STRING:=
    "BUSY       : 5," &
    "CE         : 13," &
    "CEO        : 10," &
    "CF         : 6," &
    "CLK        : 12," &
    "CLKOUT     : 9," &
    "D0         : 28," &
    "D1         : 29," &
    "D2         : 32," &
    "D3         : 33," &
    "D4         : 43," &
    "D5         : 44," &
    "D6         : 47," &
    "D7         : 48," &
    "EN_EXT_SEL : 25," &
    "OE_RESET   : 11," &
    "REV_SEL0   : 26," &
    "REV_SEL1   : 27," &
    "TCK        : 20," &
    "TDI        : 19," &
    "TDO        : 22," &
    "TMS        : 21," &
    "GND        : (2,7,17,23,31,36,46)," &
    "VCCINT     : (4,15,34)," &
    "VCCJ       : 24," &
    "VCCO       : (8,30,38,45)," &
    "DNC        : (1,3,14,16,18,35,37,39,40,41,42)";

attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (15.00e+06, BOTH);

attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is 

attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is
    "BYPASS             (1111111111111111)," &
    "SAMPLE             (0000000000000001)," &
    "PRELOAD            (0000000000000001)," &
    "EXTEST             (0000000000000000)," &
    "IDCODE             (0000000011111110)," &
    "USERCODE           (0000000011111101)," &
    "HIGHZ              (0000000011111100)," &
    "CLAMP              (0000000011111010)," &
    "ISC_ENABLE         (0000000011101000)," &
    "XSC_ENABLEC        (0000000011101001)," &
    "ISC_PROGRAM        (0000000011101010)," &
    "ISC_ADDRESS_SHIFT  (0000000011101011)," &
    "ISC_READ           (0000000011111000)," &
    "ISC_ERASE          (0000000011101100)," &
    "ISC_DATA_SHIFT     (0000000011101101)," &
    "XSC_READ           (0000000011101111)," &
    "XSC_BLANK_CHECK    (0000000000001101)," &
    "ISC_DISABLE        (0000000011110000)," &
    "ISC_NOOP           (0000000011100000)," &
    "XSC_CONFIG         (0000000011101110)," &
    "XSC_CLR_STATUS     (0000000011110100)," &
    "XSC_OP_STATUS      (0000000011100011)," &
    "XSC_MFG_READ       (0000000011110001)," &
    "XSC_CONFIG_PLUS    (0000000011110110)," &
    "XSC_UNLOCK         (1010101001010101)," &
    "XSC_DATA_BTC       (0000000011110010)," &
    "XSC_DATA_WRPT      (0000000011110111)," &
    "XSC_DATA_RDPT      (0000000000000100)," &
    "XSC_DATA_UC        (0000000000000110)," &
    "XSC_DATA_CC        (0000000000000111)," &
    "XSC_DATA_DONE      (0000000000001001)," &
    "XSC_DATA_CCB       (0000000000001100)," &
    "XSC_DATA_BLANK     (0000000011110101)," &
    "XSC_DATA_SUCR      (0000000000001110)," &
    "XSC_ADDRESS_DUMP   (0000000011100110)";
attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of XCF16P_VO48: entity is 
-- IR[15:9] = 0000000 (Not used)
-- IR[8:7]  = Previous ISC Operation Result (10=success; 01=fail; 00/11=N/A)
-- IR[6:5]  = Erase/Program Result (10=success; 01=fail; 00/11=N/A)
-- IR[4]    = Erase/Program Status (1=ready; 0=busy)
-- IR[3]    = ISC/Normal Mode (1=ISC mode; 0=normal download mode)
-- IR[2]    = 1532 DONE Status For Selected Revision (1 = DONE; 0 = Not DONE)
-- IR[1:0]  = 01 as defined by IEEE STD 1149.1

attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of XCF16P_VO48: entity is
    "XXXX" &                -- version
    "0101000001011000" &    -- part number
    "00001001001" &         -- manufacturer's id
    "1";                    -- required by IEEE STD 1149.1

attribute USERCODE_REGISTER of XCF16P_VO48: entity is

attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is
    "DEVICE_ID          (IDCODE, USERCODE),"&
    "DATA0[256]         (ISC_DATA_SHIFT)," &
    "ISC_RDATA[256]     (ISC_READ),"&
    "DATA1[8388608]     (XSC_READ),"&
    "ADDRESS[24]        (ISC_ADDRESS_SHIFT),"&
    "DATA_UC[32]        (XSC_DATA_UC)," &
    "XSC_MFG[8]         (XSC_MFG_READ),"&
    "BLANK[8]           (XSC_BLANK_CHECK, XSC_DATA_BLANK),"&
    "DATA_BTC[32]       (XSC_DATA_BTC),"&
    "DATA_WRPT[16]      (XSC_DATA_WRPT),"&
    "DATA_RDPT[16]      (XSC_DATA_RDPT),"&
    "DATA_CC[256]       (XSC_DATA_CC),"&
    "DONE[8]            (XSC_DATA_DONE),"&
    "DATA_CCB[16]       (XSC_DATA_CCB),"&
    "DATA_SUCR[16]      (XSC_DATA_SUCR),"&
    "ADDR_DUMP[16]      (XSC_ADDRESS_DUMP)";

attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is 

attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is
--  cellnum (type, port,        function,   safe[,  ccell,  disval, disrslt])
        " 0 (BC_1, CE ,         input,      X                           )," &
        " 1 (BC_1, CLK,         input,      X                           )," &
        " 2 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        " 3 (BC_1, OE_RESET,    output3,    X,      2,      0,      Z   )," &
        " 4 (BC_1, OE_RESET,    input,      X                           )," &
        " 5 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        " 6 (BC_1, CEO,         output3,    X,      5,      0,      Z   )," &
        " 7 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        " 8 (BC_1, CLKOUT,      output3,    X,      7,      0,      Z   )," &
        -- CF can work as an in or out, but not as an inout.
        -- Default is an "in" port type.
        -- To make CF an "out" port type, exchange the BOUNDARY_REGISTER 
        -- definitions for cells 9, 10, and 11 with the the commented 
        -- definitions below, and modify the port definition as described in
        -- the port definition section.
        -- " 9 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        -- "10 (BC_1, CF,          output3,    X,      9,      0,      Z   )," &
        -- "11 (BC_1, *,           internal,   X                           )," &
        " 9 (BC_1, *,           internal,   0                           )," &
        "10 (BC_1, *,           internal,   X                           )," &
        "11 (BC_1, CF ,         input,      X                           )," &
        "12 (BC_1, BUSY,        input,      X                           )," &
        "13 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "14 (BC_1, D7,          output3,    X,      13,     0,      Z   )," &
        "15 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "16 (BC_1, D6,          output3,    X,      15,     0,      Z   )," &
        "17 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "18 (BC_1, D5,          output3,    X,      17,     0,      Z   )," &
        "19 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "20 (BC_1, D4,          output3,    X,      19,     0,      Z   )," &
        "21 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "22 (BC_1, D3,          output3,    X,      21,     0,      Z   )," &
        "23 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "24 (BC_1, D2,          output3,    X,      23,     0,      Z   )," &
        "25 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "26 (BC_1, D1,          output3,    X,      25,     0,      Z   )," &
        "27 (BC_1, *,           controlr,   0                           )," &
        "28 (BC_1, D0,          output3,    X,      27,     0,      Z   )," &
        "29 (BC_1, REV_SEL1,    input,      X                           )," &
        "30 (BC_1, REV_SEL0,    input,      X                           )," &
        "31 (BC_1, EN_EXT_SEL,  input,      X                           )";

attribute DESIGN_WARNING of XCF16P_VO48 : entity is
    "The XCF16P TAP PAUSE states are not " &
        "fully compliant with the IEEE 1149.1 specification. The active instruction " &
        "or data shift register re-captures new values when the TAP is transitioned " &
        "from a PAUSE state, through the corresponding EXIT2 state, and back to the " &
        "original SHIFT state. The following are potential methods that can be used " &
        "to avoid this issue: " &
            "1. Avoid using the TAP PAUSE-IR or PAUSE-DR state to temporarily pause " &
                "a shift operation. " &
            "2. Stop (gate) the TCK within the SHIFT-IR or SHIFT-DR state to pause " &
                "a the shift operation instead of parking the TAP in the corresponding " &
                "PAUSE state. " &
            "3. Put this XCF16P device on a separate " &
                "boundary-scan chain that does not encounter the TAP PAUSE states. " &
    "The CF pin is an inout, but CF can be defined only as an in or out " &
        "boundary-scan port.  The default CF definition is an in. " &
        "See comments in the ports and BOUNDARY_REGISTER sections for " &
        "changing the CF definition to an out. " &
        "If the CF definition is changed to an out, " &
        "do not drive CF low when CF is connected to the PROGRAM/PROG_B pin of " &
        "a Virtex, Virtex-E, Virtex-4, Spartan-II, Spartan-IIE FPGA and when " &
        "the FPGA is in the same boundary-scan chain as this XCF16P. " &
        "A Low applied to the PROGRAM/PROG_B pin of these FPGAs resets the TAP " &
        "in these FPGAs.";

end XCF16P_VO48;