BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: dp83630

-- Generated by boundaryScanGenerate 4.2-Build20040928.017 on 12/11/06 10:09:53
-- BSDL Version 2001

entity dp83630 is 
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME");

    port (
        -- Port List
        TPRDM                : linkage  bit;
        TPRDP                : linkage  bit;
        CDVSS                : linkage  bit;
        TPTDM                : linkage  bit;
        TPTDP                : linkage  bit;
        ANA18VSS             : linkage  bit;
        ANA33VDD             : linkage  bit;
        VREF                 : linkage  bit;
        GPIO1                : inout    bit;
        GPIO2                : inout    bit;
        GPIO3                : inout    bit;
        CLK_OUT              : inout    bit;
        GPIO4                : inout    bit;
        LED_ACT              : inout    bit;
        LED_SPD              : inout    bit;
        LED_LNK              : inout    bit;
        RESET_N              : in       bit;
        MDIO                 : inout    bit;
        MDC                  : in       bit;
        IO_VDD2              : linkage  bit;
        X2                   : linkage  bit;
        X1                   : linkage  bit;
        IO_CORE_VSS          : linkage  bit;
        GPIO8                : inout    bit;
        GPIO9                : inout    bit;
        RX_CLK               : inout    bit;
        RX_DV                : inout    bit;
        CRS                  : inout    bit;
        RX_ER                : inout    bit;
        COL                  : inout    bit;
        RXD_3                : inout    bit;
        RXD_2                : inout    bit;
        RXD_1                : inout    bit;
        RXD_0                : inout    bit;
        IO_VSS               : linkage  bit;
        IO_VDD1              : linkage  bit;
        TX_CLK               : inout    bit;
        TX_EN                : inout    bit;
        TXD_0                : inout    bit;
        TXD_1                : inout    bit;
        TXD_2                : inout    bit;
        TXD_3                : inout    bit;
        PWRDN_INTN           : inout    bit;
        TCK                  : in       bit;
        TDO                  : out      bit;
        TMS                  : in       bit;
        TRST_N               : in       bit;
        TDI                  : in       bit);

    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
    use LVS_BSCAN_CELLS.all;

    attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of dp83630: entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

    --Pin mappings

    attribute PIN_MAP of dp83630: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

    "TPRDM                : 13   , " &
    "TPRDP                : 14   , " &
    "CDVSS                : 15   , " &
    "TPTDM                : 16   , " &
    "TPTDP                : 17   , " &
    "ANA18VSS             : 18   , " &
    "ANA33VDD             : 19   , " &
    "VREF                 : 20   , " &
    "GPIO1                : 21   , " &
    "GPIO2                : 22   , " &
    "GPIO3                : 23   , " &
    "CLK_OUT              : 24   , " &
    "GPIO4                : 25   , " &
    "LED_ACT              : 26   , " &
    "LED_SPD              : 27   , " &
    "LED_LNK              : 28   , " &
    "RESET_N              : 29   , " &
    "MDIO                 : 30   , " &
    "MDC                  : 31   , " &
    "IO_VDD2              : 32   , " &
    "X2                   : 33   , " &
    "X1                   : 34   , " &
    "IO_CORE_VSS          : 35   , " &
    "GPIO8                : 36   , " &
    "GPIO9                : 37   , " &
    "RX_CLK               : 38   , " &
    "RX_DV                : 39   , " &
    "CRS                  : 40   , " &
    "RX_ER                : 41   , " &
    "COL                  : 42   , " &
    "RXD_3                : 43   , " &
    "RXD_2                : 44   , " &
    "RXD_1                : 45   , " &
    "RXD_0                : 46   , " &
    "IO_VSS               : 47   , " &
    "IO_VDD1              : 48   , " &
    "TX_CLK               : 1    , " &
    "TX_EN                : 2    , " &
    "TXD_0                : 3    , " &
    "TXD_1                : 4    , " &
    "TXD_2                : 5    , " &
    "TXD_3                : 6    , " &
    "PWRDN_INTN           : 7    , " &
    "TCK                  : 8    , " &
    "TDO                  : 9    , " &
    "TMS                  : 10   , " &
    "TRST_N               : 11   , " &
    "TDI                  : 12     " ;

   attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST_N                       : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI                          : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS                          : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO                          : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK                          : signal is (1.0000000000000000000e+07, BOTH);

   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of dp83630: entity is 5;
   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of dp83630: entity is
      "IDCODE       (11110)," &
      "BYPASS       (11111)," &
      "EXTEST       (11001)," &
      "SAMPLE       (11000)," &
      "PRELOAD      (11000)," &
      "HIGHZ        (11011) " ;
   attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of dp83630: entity is "xxx01";
   attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of dp83630: entity is
      "0000"             & -- version
      "1000000000110000" & -- part number
      "00000001111"      & -- manufacturer's identity
      "1";                   -- required by 1149.1
   attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of dp83630: entity is
      "BOUNDARY     ( SAMPLE, PRELOAD )," &
      "BYPASS       (HIGHZ) " ;

    --Boundary scan definition
    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of dp83630: entity is 56;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of dp83630: entity is 
    -- num  cell         port               function       safe     [ccell disval  rslt]
    "  55   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  54   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO1            , bidir        , X    ,   55     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  53   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  52   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO2            , bidir        , X    ,   53     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  51   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  50   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO3            , bidir        , X    ,   51     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  49   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  48   (LV_BC_7    , CLK_OUT          , bidir        , X    ,   49     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  47   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  46   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO4            , bidir        , X    ,   47     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  45   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  44   (LV_BC_7    , LED_ACT          , bidir        , X    ,   45     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  43   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  42   (LV_BC_7    , LED_SPD          , bidir        , X    ,   43     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  41   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  40   (LV_BC_7    , LED_LNK          , bidir        , X    ,   41     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  39   (BC_2       , RESET_N          , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  38   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  37   (LV_BC_7    , MDIO             , bidir        , X    ,   38     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  36   (BC_2       , MDC              , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  35   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  34   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO8            , bidir        , X    ,   35     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  33   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  32   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO9            , bidir        , X    ,   33     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  31   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  30   (LV_BC_7    , RX_CLK           , bidir        , X    ,   31     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  29   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  28   (LV_BC_7    , RX_DV            , bidir        , X    ,   29     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  27   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  26   (LV_BC_7    , CRS              , bidir        , X    ,   27     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  25   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  24   (LV_BC_7    , RX_ER            , bidir        , X    ,   25     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  23   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  22   (LV_BC_7    , COL              , bidir        , X    ,   23     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  21   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  20   (LV_BC_7    , RXD_3            , bidir        , X    ,   21     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  19   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  18   (LV_BC_7    , RXD_2            , bidir        , X    ,   19     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  17   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  16   (LV_BC_7    , RXD_1            , bidir        , X    ,   17     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  15   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  14   (LV_BC_7    , RXD_0            , bidir        , X    ,   15     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  13   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  12   (LV_BC_7    , TX_CLK           , bidir        , X    ,   13     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  11   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  10   (LV_BC_7    , TX_EN            , bidir        , X    ,   11     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  9    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  8    (LV_BC_7    , TXD_0            , bidir        , X    ,   9      , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  7    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  6    (LV_BC_7    , TXD_1            , bidir        , X    ,   7      , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  5    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  4    (LV_BC_7    , TXD_2            , bidir        , X    ,   5      , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  3    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  2    (LV_BC_7    , TXD_3            , bidir        , X    ,   3      , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  1    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  0    (LV_BC_7    , PWRDN_INTN       , bidir        , X    ,   1      , 0     , Z   ) ";

end dp83630;