BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: scansta112

-- SCANSTA112 using B0 for TAP signals
-- Copyright National Semiconductor Corporation 2002
-- STA112 7-PORT ScanBridge

-- National Semiconductor Customer Service Center
-- N. America  (800) 272-9959
-- Europe Germany p49 (0) 69 9508 6208
--  Rev 01  Removed the use of the reserved word CONTROL.
--    FROM:
--       "CONTROL[8]   (CNTRLSEL) ," &
--    TO:
--       "CONTROL_REG[8]   (CONTROLSEL) ," &
--  Rev 0  (intitial Release February 6, 2003)
entity scansta112 is
  generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "UNDEFINED");

  port (VCC:         linkage bit_vector(9 downto 0);
        GND:         linkage bit_vector(9 downto 0);
        A0_01:       linkage bit;
        A0_B:        linkage bit_vector(1 downto 0); 
        A1_01:       linkage bit; 
        A1_B:        linkage bit_vector(1 downto 0); 
        ADD_MASK:    in bit;
        LSP_SEL:     in bit_vector(6 downto 0);
        MPSel_B1_B0: in bit;
        OE:          in bit;
        RESET:       linkage bit;                   
        S:           in bit_vector(7 downto 0);
        SB_S:        in bit;

        TCK:         in bit;       -- ("TCKB0" selected by MPsel = 0)
        TDI:         in bit;
        TDO:         out bit;
        TMS:         in bit;
        TRST:        in bit;
        TRIST:       linkage bit;
        TCKB1:       linkage bit;  -- (As LSP0 in this BSDL - - MPsel = 0)
        TDIB1:       linkage bit;
        TDOB1:       linkage bit;
        TMSB1:       linkage bit;
        TRSTB1:      linkage bit;
        TRISTB1:     linkage bit;
        TCKL:        linkage bit_vector(6 downto 1);  -- Local ports
        TDIL:        linkage bit_vector(6 downto 1);
        TDOL:        linkage bit_vector(6 downto 1);
        TMSL:        linkage bit_vector(6 downto 1);
        TRSTL:       linkage bit_vector(6 downto 1);
        TRISTL:      linkage bit_vector(3 downto 1);
        TLR_TRST6:   in bit;
        TLR_TRST:    in bit;
        TRANS_EN:    in bit;

        Y0_01:       linkage bit;       
        Y0_B:        linkage bit_vector(1 downto 0);       
        Y1_01:       linkage bit;        
        Y1_B:        linkage bit_vector(1 downto 0)

  use STD_1149_1_1990.all;

  attribute PIN_MAP of scansta112 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

  constant TQFP_PACKAGE:PIN_MAP_STRING:=          
        " VCC:         (93,83,73,63,53,43,33,23,13,3),"& 
        " GND:         (98,88,78,68,58,48,38,28,18,8),"& 
        " A0_01:       66                           ,"&       
        " A0_B:        (41,29)              ,"&
        " A1_01:       64                     ,"&
        " A1_B:        (50,34)          ,"&
        " ADD_MASK:    11         ,"&
        " LSP_SEL:     (22,21,20,19,17,16,15)     ,"&
        " MPSel_B1_B0: 24         ,"&
        " OE:          14         ,"&
        " RESET:       54         ,"&
        " S:           (10,9,7,6,5,4,2,1)     ,"&
        " SB_S:        25         ,"&
        " TRANS_EN:    12         ,"&
        " TLR_TRST6:   51         ,"&
        " TLR_TRST:    52         ,"&
        " Y0_01:       65                           ,"&
        " Y0_B:        (49,36)          ,"&
        " Y1_01:       62         ,"&
        " Y1_B:        (46,37)                      ,"&
        " TCK:         30         ,"& -- TCK_B0
                                                        -- (MPsel = 0)
        " TDI:         26         ,"&
        " TDO:         27         ,"&
        " TMS:         32         ,"&
        " TRST:        31         ,"&
        " TRIST:       35         ,"&
        " TCKL:        (99,92,86,80,71,59)      ,"& -- local
        " TDIL:        (95,91,82,75,67,55)      ,"&
        " TDOL:        (96,90,84,76,69,56)      ,"&
        " TMSL:        (97,89,85,77,70,57)      ,"&
        " TRSTL:       (100,94,87,79,72,60)     ,"&
        " TRISTL:      (81,74,61)       ,"&
        " TCKB1:       42         ,"& -- (B1 as LSP0)
        " TDIB1:       39         ,"&
        " TDOB1:       40         ,"&
        " TMSB1:       45                           ,"&
        " TRSTB1:      44         ,"&
  " TRISTB1:     47                         ";

 constant BGA_PACKAGE:PIN_MAP_STRING:=          
        " VCC:         (A4,A9,C9,F10,H8,K7,K2,H2,E1,C3),"& 
        " GND:         (B3,A6,C8,D10,J10,J8,K5,H3,G1,B1),"& 
        " A0_01:       F6                           ,"&       
        " A0_B:        (F5,G5)              ,"&
        " A1_01:       E10                    ,"&
        " A1_B:        (G6,H5)          ,"&
        " ADD_MASK:    D1         ,"&
        " LSP_SEL:     (G3,H1,G2,F3,F2,E5,E2)       ,"&
        " MPSel_B1_B0: J1         ,"&
        " OE:          F1         ,"&
        " RESET:       F7         ,"&
        " S:           (C1,E3,D3,D4,C2,E4,B2,A1)    ,"&
        " SB_S:        F4         ,"&
        " TLR_TRST6:   K10          ,"&
        " TLR_TRST:    J9         ,"&
        " TRANS_EN:    D2         ,"&
        " Y0_01:       F9                           ,"&
        " Y0_B:        (K9,K4)          ,"&
        " Y1_01:       G9         ,"&
        " Y1_B:        (L8,J4)          ,"&
        " TCK:         J3         ,"& -- backplane
        " TDI:         K1         ,"&
        " TDO:         J2         ,"&
        " TMS:         H4         ,"&
        " TRST:        G4         ,"&
        " TRIST:       K3         ,"&
        " TCKL:        (A2,B5,A7,B8,C10,F8)     ,"&
        " TDIL:        (B4,E6,C7,E7,E9,H9)      ,"&
        " TDOL:        (A3,B6,C6,A10,E8,G7)     ,"&
        " TMSL:        (C4,A5,A8,B9,D9,G8)      ,"&
        " TRSTL:       (D5,C5,B7,D6,D8,H10)     ,"&
        " TRISTL:      (D7,B10,G10)       ,"&
        " TCKB1:       J6         ,"&  
        " TDIB1:       K6         ,"&
        " TDOB1:       J5         ,"&
        " TMSB1:       J7                           ,"&
        " TRSTB1:      H6         ,"&
  " TRISTB1:     H7                         ";

  attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO: signal is true; 
  attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (25.0e6, BOTH);
  attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST : signal is true; 

  attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of scansta112 : entity is 8;

  attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of scansta112 : entity is 
--                               -- NOTE
       "BYPASS       (11111111),"  &         -- FF
       "EXTEST       (00000000),"  &         -- 00
       "SAMPLE       (10000001),"  &         -- 81
       "IDCODE       (10101010),"  &         -- AA
       "UNPARK       (11100111),"  & --1     -- E7
       "PARKTLR      (11000101),"  & --1     -- C5
       "PARKRTI      (10000100),"  & --1     -- 84
       "PARKPAUSE    (11000110),"  & --1     -- C6
       "GOTOWAIT     (11000011),"  &         -- C3
       "MODESEL0     (10001110),"  &         -- 8E
       "MODESEL1     (10000010),"  &         -- 82
       "MODESEL2     (10000011),"  &         -- 83
       "MCGRSEL      (00000011),"  &         -- 03
       "SOFTRESET    (10001000),"  & --1     -- 88
       "LFSRSEL      (11001001),"  &         -- C9
       "LFSRON       (00001100),"  & --1     -- 0C
       "LFSROFF      (10001101),"  & --1     -- 8D
       "CNTRSEL      (11001110),"  &         -- CE  -- 32 bit TCK counter register
       "CNTRON       (00001111),"  & --1     -- 0F
       "CNTROFF      (10010000),"  & --1     -- 90
       "SGPIO0       (10111000),"  &         -- B8
       "SGPIO1       (10111001),"  &         -- B9
       "SGPIO2       (10111010),"  &         -- BA
       "SGPIO3       (10111011),"  &         -- BB
       "SGPIO4       (10111100),"  &         -- BC
       "SGPIO5       (10111101),"  &         -- BD
       "SGPIO6       (10111110),"  &         -- BE
       "SGPIO7       (10111111),"  &         -- BF
       "CONTROLSEL   (10000111),"  &         -- 87
       "LSPSEL       (10000110),"  &         -- 86
       "DEFAULTBP    (00000111),"  &         -- 07 --  PRIVATE, see Note 1
       "TRANSPREN    (10101000),"  &         -- A8 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR0     (10100000),"  &         -- A0 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR1     (10100001),"  &         -- A1 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR2     (10100010),"  &         -- A2 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR3     (10100011),"  &         -- A3 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR4     (10100100),"  &         -- A4 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR5     (10100101),"  &         -- A5 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR6     (10100110),"  &         -- A6 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2
       "TRANSPR7     (10100111)";            -- A7 --  PRIVATE, see Note 2

  -- NOTE 1 = When instruction "DEFAULTBP" has been given, and
  -- until a reset is given, the noted instructions will have:
  -- attribute REGISTER_ACCESS entity is
  -- "<noted instruction above>[1] (BYPASS) The purpose of
  -- this is to allow shorter scan chains.

  -- NOTE 2 = When instruction "TRANSPREN" or "TRANSPR#" has been 
  --   given, the contents of the MODESEL register or TRANSPR# 
  --   register will be used to select LSP(s) and insert them into
  --   the scan chain transparently.  Once the instruction is 
  --   active, the bridge is transparent, and thus no register is
  --   selected. This state will remain until a hard reset is
  --   given.  It will not respond to 5 TMS high.

  attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of scansta112 : entity is "XXXXXX01";
           -- the xxxxxx is the least significant 6 bits
           -- of the address switch setting, S5 to S0.
  attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of scansta112 : entity is 
  attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of scansta112 : entity is  -- 0FC2501F  
       "0000" &              -- Version
       "1111110000100101" &  -- Part number
       "00000001111" &       -- Manufacturer Identity
       "1";                  -- Manditory LSB

  attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of scansta112 : entity is 
       "MODE0[8]         (MODESEL0)   ," &
       "MODE1[8]         (MODESEL1)   ," &
       "MODE2[8]         (MODESEL2)   ," &
       "MCGR[2]          (MCGRSEL)    ," &
       "LFSR[16]         (LFSRSEL)    ," &
       "CNTR[32]         (CNTRSEL)    ," & -- 32 bit TCK counter register
       "SGPIO0[8]        (SGPIO0)     ," &
       "SGPIO1[8]        (SGPIO1)     ," &
       "SGPIO2[8]        (SGPIO2)     ," &
       "SGPIO3[8]        (SGPIO3)     ," &
       "SGPIO4[8]        (SGPIO4)     ," &
       "SGPIO5[8]        (SGPIO5)     ," &
       "SGPIO6[8]        (SGPIO6)     ," &
       "SGPIO7[8]        (SGPIO7)     ," &
       "CONTROL_REG[8]   (CONTROLSEL) ," &
       "LSPSEL[8]        (LSPSEL)      ";

  attribute BOUNDARY_CELLS of scansta112 : entity is "BC_4";
  attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of scansta112 : entity is 22;

  attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of scansta112 : entity is 
      -- num cell  port         function safe [ccell disval rslt]
        "0   (BC_4,  S(0),        input,   X),"  & -- closest to TDO
        "1   (BC_4,  S(1),        input,   X),"  &
        "2   (BC_4,  S(2),        input,   X),"  &
        "3   (BC_4,  S(3),        input,   X),"  &
        "4   (BC_4,  S(4),        input,   X),"  &
        "5   (BC_4,  S(5),        input,   X),"  &
        "6   (BC_4,  S(6),        input,   X),"  &
  "7   (BC_4,  S(7),        input,   X),"  &
        "8   (BC_4,  OE,          input,   X),"  &
        "9   (BC_4,  LSP_SEL(0),  input,   X),"  &
        "10  (BC_4,  LSP_SEL(1),  input,   X),"  &
        "11  (BC_4,  LSP_SEL(2),  input,   X),"  &
        "12  (BC_4,  LSP_SEL(3),  input,   X),"  &
        "13  (BC_4,  LSP_SEL(4),  input,   X),"  &
        "14  (BC_4,  LSP_SEL(5),  input,   X),"  &
        "15  (BC_4,  LSP_SEL(6),  input,   X),"  &
        "16  (BC_4,  ADD_MASK,    input,   X),"  &
        "17  (BC_4,  TRANS_EN,    input,   X),"  &
        "18  (BC_4,  MPSel_B1_B0, input,   X),"  &
        "19  (BC_4,  SB_S,        input,   X),"  &
        "20  (BC_4,  TLR_TRST,    input,   X),"  &              
        "21  (BC_4,  TLR_TRST6,   input,   X)";    -- closest to TDI
end scansta112;