BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: IDT72V243BC

-- This model was created at IDT's SYDNEY DESIGN CENTER
-- Part: IDT72V243BC (SSII+   2048 words x 18bits)
-- Ver: 0.0   Created by:   DSG   Date: 4/3/02
-- Ver: 1.0   Created by:   DJR   Date: 27th June 2002
-- Ver: 2.0   Corrected by: DJR   Date: 9th March 2004
-- Ver: 3.0   Corrected by: DJR   Date: 8th March 2005
-- Customization created on: Tue Dec 13 10:11:18 2005      

entity IDT72V243BC is

  -- Generic parameter

  generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP: string := "BC100");

  -- Logical port description

  port (
    D         :    in      bit_vector(0 to 17);
    IW        :    in      bit;
    SENB      :    in      bit;
    WENB      :    in      bit;
    WCLK      :    in      bit;
    PRSB      :    in      bit;
    MRSB      :    in      bit;
    RM        :    in      bit;
    ASYRB     :    in      bit;
    ASYWB     :    in      bit;
    LDB       :    in      bit;
    FWFTSI    :    in      bit;
    FF        :    buffer  bit;
    PAF       :    buffer  bit;
    OW        :    in      bit;
    FSEL      :    in      bit_vector(0 to 1);
    HF        :    buffer  bit;
    BEB       :    in      bit;
    IP        :    in      bit;
    PAE       :    buffer  bit;
    PFM       :    in      bit;
    EF        :    buffer  bit;
    RCLK      :    in      bit;
    RENB      :    in      bit;
    RTB       :    in      bit;
    OEB       :    in      bit;
    Q         :    buffer  bit_vector(0 to 17);
    TCK       :    in      bit;
    TMS       :    in      bit;
    TDI       :    in      bit;
    TRSTB     :    in      bit;
    TDO       :    out     bit;
    GND       :    linkage bit_vector(0 to 15);
    VCC       :    linkage bit_vector(0 to 16)

  -- Standard

  use STD_1149_1_1994.all;

  -- Component conformance

  attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of IDT72V243BC: entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";

  -- Device package pin mappings

  attribute PIN_MAP of IDT72V243BC: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

  -- Pin-port map for package BC100

  constant BC100: PIN_MAP_STRING :=
    "D       : (J4,  K4,  J3,  K3,  K2,  K1,  J1,  J2,  H1, " &
               "H2,  H3,  G1,  G2,  F1,  F2,  E2,  E1,  D1), " &
    "IW      : D2, " &
    "SENB    : C2, " &
    "WENB    : B1, " &
    "WCLK    : A1, " &
    "PRSB    : A2, " &
    "MRSB    : B2, " &
    "RM      : A9, " &
    "ASYRB   : A7, " &
    "ASYWB   : C1, " &
    "LDB     : A3, " &
    "FWFTSI  : B3, " &
    "FF      : C3, " &
    "PAF     : A4, " &
    "OW      : B4, " &
    "FSEL    : (A5,  B6), " &
    "HF      : B5, " &
    "BEB     : A6, " &
    "IP      : B7, " &
    "PAE     : B8, " &
    "PFM     : A8, " &
    "EF      : B9, " &
    "RCLK    : B10, " &
    "RENB    : A10, " &
    "RTB     : C9, " &
    "OEB     : C10, " &
    "Q       : (K7,  H8,  J8,  K8,  J9,  K9,  K10, J10, H10, " &
               "H9,  G10, G9,  F10, F9,  E9,  E10, D9,  D10), " &
    "TCK     : J6, " &
    "TMS     : J5, " &
    "TDI     : K6, " &
    "TRSTB   : K5, " &
    "TDO     : J7, " &
    "GND     : (D4,  D5,  D6,  D7,  E4,  E5,  E6,  E7, " &
               "F4,  F5,  F6,  F7,  G4,  G5,  G6,  G7), " &
    "VCC     : (C4,  C5,  C6,  C7,  C8,  D3,  D8,  E3,  E8, " &
               "F3,  F8,  G3,  G8,  H4,  H5,  H6,  H7) ";

  -- Scan port identification

  attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (10.0e6, LOW);
  attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRSTB : signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : signal is true;

  -- Compliance patterns

  attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of IDT72V243BC: entity is "(OEB, IW, OW) (000)";

  -- Instruction register description

  attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of IDT72V243BC: entity is 4;

  attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of IDT72V243BC: entity is
    "EXTEST     (0000)," &
    "SAMPLE     (0001)," &
    "IDCODE     (0010)," &
    "HIGHZ      (0011)," &
    "BYPASS     (1111)," &
    "PRIVATE    (0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110)";

  attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of IDT72V243BC: entity is "1101";

  attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of IDT72V243BC: entity is "PRIVATE";

  -- Optional register description

  attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of IDT72V243BC: entity is
    "0001" &                -- version
    "0000010011101101" &    -- part number
    "00000110011" &         -- manufacturer's identity
    "1";                    -- required by 1149.1

  -- Register access description

  attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of IDT72V243BC: entity is
    "BYPASS     (BYPASS, HIGHZ), " &

  -- Boundary-Scan register description

  attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of IDT72V243BC: entity is 62;

  attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of IDT72V243BC: entity is
  -- num    cell   port        function  safe [ccell disval rslt]
      "0   (BC_1,  Q(0),        output2,  X), " &
      "1   (BC_1,  Q(1),        output2,  X), " &
      "2   (BC_1,  Q(2),        output2,  X), " &
      "3   (BC_1,  Q(3),        output2,  X), " &
      "4   (BC_1,  Q(4),        output2,  X), " &
      "5   (BC_1,  Q(5),        output2,  X), " &
      "6   (BC_1,  Q(6),        output2,  X), " &
      "7   (BC_1,  Q(7),        output2,  X), " &
      "8   (BC_1,  Q(8),        output2,  X), " &
      "9   (BC_1,  Q(9),        output2,  X), " &
     "10   (BC_1,  Q(10),       output2,  X), " &
     "11   (BC_1,  Q(11),       output2,  X), " &
     "12   (BC_1,  Q(12),       output2,  X), " &
     "13   (BC_1,  Q(13),       output2,  X), " &
     "14   (BC_1,  Q(14),       output2,  X), " &
     "15   (BC_1,  Q(15),       output2,  X), " &
     "16   (BC_1,  Q(16),       output2,  X), " &
     "17   (BC_1,  Q(17),       output2,  X), " &
  -- "18   (BC_4,  OEB,         input,    X), " &
     "18   (BC_4,  *,           internal, X), " &
     "19   (BC_4,  RTB,         input,    X), " &
     "20   (BC_4,  RENB,        input,    X), " &
     "21   (BC_4,  RCLK,        clock,    X), " &
     "22   (BC_4,  RM,          input,    X), " &
     "23   (BC_1,  EF,          output2,  X), " &
     "24   (BC_4,  PFM,         input,    X), " &
     "25   (BC_1,  PAE,         output2,  X), " &
     "26   (BC_4,  ASYRB,       input,    X), " &
     "27   (BC_4,  IP,          input,    X), " &
     "28   (BC_4,  BEB,         input,    X), " &
     "29   (BC_4,  FSEL(1),     input,    X), " &
     "30   (BC_1,  HF,          output2,  X), " &
     "31   (BC_4,  FSEL(0),     input,    X), " &
  -- "32   (BC_4,  OW,          input,    X), " &
     "32   (BC_4,  *,           internal, X), " &
     "33   (BC_1,  PAF,         output2,  X), " &
     "34   (BC_1,  FF,          output2,  X), " &
     "35   (BC_4,  FWFTSI,      input,    X), " &
     "36   (BC_4,  LDB,         input,    X), " &
     "37   (BC_4,  MRSB,        input,    X), " &
     "38   (BC_4,  PRSB,        input,    X), " &
     "39   (BC_4,  WCLK,        clock,    X), " &
     "40   (BC_4,  WENB,        input,    X), " &
     "41   (BC_4,  ASYWB,       input,    X), " &
     "42   (BC_4,  SENB,        input,    X), " &
  -- "43   (BC_4,  IW,          input,    X), " &
     "43   (BC_4,  *,           internal, X), " &
     "44   (BC_4,  D(17),       input,    X), " &
     "45   (BC_4,  D(16),       input,    X), " &
     "46   (BC_4,  D(15),       input,    X), " &
     "47   (BC_4,  D(14),       input,    X), " &
     "48   (BC_4,  D(13),       input,    X), " &
     "49   (BC_4,  D(12),       input,    X), " &
     "50   (BC_4,  D(11),       input,    X), " &
     "51   (BC_4,  D(10),       input,    X), " &
     "52   (BC_4,  D(9),        input,    X), " &
     "53   (BC_4,  D(8),        input,    X), " &
     "54   (BC_4,  D(7),        input,    X), " &
     "55   (BC_4,  D(6),        input,    X), " &
     "56   (BC_4,  D(5),        input,    X), " &
     "57   (BC_4,  D(4),        input,    X), " &
     "58   (BC_4,  D(3),        input,    X), " &
     "59   (BC_4,  D(2),        input,    X), " &
     "60   (BC_4,  D(1),        input,    X), " &
     "61   (BC_4,  D(0),        input,    X)";
end IDT72V243BC;