BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: ADSP_BF561_COREB latest version

-- BSDL for ADSP_BF561 Digital Signal Processor in 
-- Revision 0.1  Release Date: 05/17/2004
-- Revision 0.2  Release Date: 11/01/2006
-- Revision 0.3  Release Date: 02/22/2011 (Added Silicon Revision Control)
-- Revision 0.4  Release Date: 06/21/2013 (Added Internal Connection Description)
-- NOTE: Scan path is:
--      TDI Pin->Core A TDI->Core A TDO->Core B TDI->Core B TDO->TDO Pin
entity ADSP_BF561_COREB is 
        generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string:="UNDEFINED");
     port(TCK:        in           bit;
          TDI:        in           bit;
          TDO:        out          bit;
          TMS:        in           bit;
          TRST_B:     in           bit);
          use STD_1149_1_1990.all;

 attribute PIN_MAP of ADSP_BF561_COREB: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
          "TCK:       1,"  &
          "TDO:    2,"  &
          "TMS:    3," &
          "TRST_B:  4," &
          "TDI:    5";
        attribute TAP_SCAN_IN   of TDI  :       signal is true;
        attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS  :       signal is true;
        attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT  of TDO  :       signal is true;
        attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST_B :    signal is true;
        attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK :       signal is (50.0e6,

        attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of ADSP_BF561_COREB:     entity
is 5;

        -- Unspecified opcodes assigned to Bypass.
        attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of ADSP_BF561_COREB:     entity
          "BYPASS         (11111)," &
          "EXTEST         (00000)," &
          "SAMPLE         (10000)," &
          "IDCODE         (00010)," &
          "MEMBIST        (01010)," &
          "EMULATION      (00100,10100,01000,11110,01100)," &
          "CUSTOMER_KEY     (10110)," &
          "TESTKEY     (00110)"; 
        attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of ADSP_BF561_COREB: entity is 

        attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of ADSP_BF561_COREB: entity is 
          "EMULATION," &
          "MEMBIST," &
          "CUSTOMER_KEY," &
          "TESTKEY" ;
     attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of ADSP_BF561_COREB: entity is
-- Version field is 4-bit binary encoding for silicon revision (e.g., 0101 - silicon rev 0.5)
-- Uncomment/Comment the below as necessary, or add silicon revisions released after BSDL file
          "0101" &          -- Version 0.5
--          "0011" &          -- Version 0.3
          "0010011110111011" &     -- Part number
          "00001100101" &          -- ADI manufacturing code
          "1";               -- Required bit          

        attribute BOUNDARY_CELLS of ADSP_BF561_COREB:  entity is 
          "BC_1, BC_2, BC_3, BC_4";
        -- BC_1: output, control; BC_2: input; 
        -- BC_3: internal; BC_4: clock;
        attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of ADSP_BF561_COREB: entity is 1;

        attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of ADSP_BF561_COREB: entity is 
        --num cell port function safe [ccell disval rslt ]

"0    ( BC_3,*,internal,0)";