BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: XC18V02_PC44

--$ XILINX$RCSfile: xc18v02_pc44.bsd,v $
--$ XILINX$Revision: 1.4 $
-- BSDL file for device XC18V02_PC44, package PC44
-- Xilinx, Inc. $State: ADVANCED $ $Date: 2003-06-02 15:39:53-07 $
-- For technical support, find answers or contact information at:
-- This BSDL file reflects the pre-configuration JTAG behavior. To reflect
-- the post-configuration JTAG behavior (if any), edit this file as described
-- below:
-- 1. Rename entity if necessary to avoid name collisions.
-- 2. Modify USERCODE value in USERCODE_REGISTER declaration.
-- 3. Set safe state of boundary cells as necessary.

entity XC18V02_PC44 is

generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "PC44" );

port (
        TDI: in bit;
        TMS: in bit;
        Gnd_2: linkage bit;
        TCK: in bit;
        Vcco_1: linkage bit;
        D4: out bit;
        CF: out bit;
        Reset_OE: inout bit;
        D6: out bit;
        CE: in bit;
        Vcco_2: linkage bit;
        Vcc_1: linkage bit;
        Gnd_3: linkage bit;
        D7: out bit;
        CEO: out bit;
        D5: out bit;
        Vcco_3: linkage bit;
        D3: out bit;
        Gnd_4: linkage bit;
        D1: out bit;
        TDO: out bit;
        Vpp: linkage bit;
        Vcco_4: linkage bit;
        Vcc_2: linkage bit;
        D0: out bit;
        Gnd_1: linkage bit;
        D2: out bit;
        CLK: in bit
); --end port list

use STD_1149_1_1994.all;

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is

attribute PIN_MAP of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant PC44: PIN_MAP_STRING:=
        "TDI:9," &
        "TMS:11," &
        "Gnd_2:12," &
        "TCK:13," &
        "Vcco_1:14," &
        "D4:15," &
        "CF:16," &
        "Reset_OE:19," &
        "D6:20," &
        "CE:21," &
        "Vcco_2:22," &
        "Vcc_1:23," &
        "Gnd_3:24," &
        "D7:25," &
        "CEO:27," &
        "D5:31," &
        "Vcco_3:32," &
        "D3:33," &
        "Gnd_4:34," &
        "D1:35," &
        "TDO:37," &
        "Vpp:41," &
        "Vcco_4:42," &
        "Vcc_2:44," &
        "D0:2," &
        "Gnd_1:3," &
        "D2:4," &

attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO : signal is true;

attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (1.00e+07, BOTH);

attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is 8;

attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is
        "BYPASS ( 11111111)," &
        "SAMPLE ( 00000001)," &
        "EXTEST ( 00000000)," &
        "IDCODE ( 11111110)," &
        "USERCODE ( 11111101)," &
        "HIGHZ ( 11111100)," &
        "CLAMP ( 11111010)," &
        "ISPEN ( 11101000)," &
        "ISPENC ( 11101001)," &
        "FPGM ( 11101010)," &
        "FADDR ( 11101011)," &
        "FVFY0 ( 11101111)," &
        "FVFY1 ( 11111000)," &
        "FVFY3 ( 11100010)," &
        "FVFY6 ( 11100110)," &
        "FERASE ( 11101100)," &
        "SERASE ( 00001010)," &
        "FDATA0 ( 11101101)," &
        "FDATA3 ( 11110011)," &
        "FBLANK0 ( 11100101)," &
        "FBLANK3 ( 11100001)," &
        "FBLANK6 ( 11100100)," &
        "NORMRST ( 11110000)," &
        "CONFIG ( 11101110)," &
        "priv1 ( 11110001)," &
        "ISCTESTSTATUS ( 11100011)," &
        "priv3 ( 11100111)," &
        "priv4 ( 11110110)," &
        "priv5 ( 11100000)," &
        "priv6 ( 11110111)," &
        "priv7 ( 11110010)," &
        "ISCCLRSTATUS ( 11110100)," &
        "priv9 ( 11110101)";

attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of XC18V02_PC44: entity is "XXXXXX01";

attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of XC18V02_PC44: entity is
        "priv1," &
        "ISCTESTSTATUS," &
        "priv3," &
        "priv4," &
        "priv5," &
        "priv6," &
        "priv7," &
        "ISCCLRSTATUS," &

attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of XC18V02_PC44: entity is
        "XXXX" &                -- version
        "01010000001X0101" &    -- part number
        "00001001001" &         -- manufacturer's id
        "1";                    -- required by standard

attribute USERCODE_REGISTER of XC18V02_PC44: entity is

attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is
        "ISPENABLE[6] ( ISPEN, ISPENC )," &
        "DATA0[4096] ( FVFY0, FDATA0 ),"&
        "DATA1[2097152] ( FVFY1, FBLANK0 ),"&
        "DATA3[3] ( FVFY3, FDATA3, FBLANK3 ),"&
        "ADDRESS[16] ( FADDR, FERASE, SERASE ),"&
        "USERCODEV[32] ( FVFY6, FBLANK6 )";
         -- Readback image of the USERCODE register contents
attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is 25;

attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is
        "   0 (BC_1, CLK, input, X)," &
        "   1 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   2 (BC_1, D2, output3, X, 1, 0, Z)," &
        "   3 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   4 (BC_1, D0, output3, X, 3, 0, Z)," &
        "   5 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   6 (BC_1, D1, output3, X, 5, 0, Z)," &
        "   7 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   8 (BC_1, D3, output3, X, 7, 0, Z)," &
        "   9 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   10 (BC_1, D5, output3, X, 9, 0, Z)," &
        "   11 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   12 (BC_1, CEO, output3, X, 11, 0, Z)," &
        "   13 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   14 (BC_1, D7, output3, X, 13, 0, Z)," &
        "   15 (BC_1, CE, input, X)," &
        "   16 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   17 (BC_1, D6, output3, X, 16, 0, Z)," &
        "   18 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   19 (BC_1, Reset_OE, output3, X, 18, 0, Z)," &
        "   20 (BC_1, Reset_OE, input, X)," &
        "   21 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   22 (BC_1, CF, output3, X, 21, 0, Z)," &
        "   23 (BC_1, *, controlr, 0)," &
        "   24 (BC_1, D4, output3, X, 23, 0, Z)";

attribute DESIGN_WARNING of XC18V02_PC44 : entity is
    "The BOUNDARY_REGISTER input and control cell SAMPLE values are inverted " &
        "in devices with IDCODE_REGISTER==00000101000000100101000010010011." &
    "Pin 44 is a no connect, i.e. the Vcc_2 port is not bonded to pin 44, " &
        "in devices with IDCODE_REGISTER==00000101000000110101000010010011.";

end XC18V02_PC44;