BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: MT9300

-- Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) for MITEL MT9300 IC
-- File name : MT9300BV.bsd
-- DEVICE : MITEL MT9300 Multi-Channel Voice Echo Canceller
-- BSDL revision : STD_1149_1_1994
-- Date created: Dec 22, 1998
-- Last Updated: Dec 18, 2000
-- Documentation: MT9300 Advance Information Data Sheet
-- Packages: 208-pin LBGA
--                     IMPORTANT NOTICE
-- MITEL and MT9300 are trademarks of MITEL Corporation. MITEL
-- products, marketed under trademarks, are protected under
-- numerous US and foreign patents and pending applications,
-- maskwork rights, and copyrights. MITEL warrants performance
-- of its semiconductor products to current specifications in
-- accordance with MITEL's standard warranty, but reserves the
-- right to make changes to any products and services at any
-- time without notice. MITEL assumes no responsibility or
-- liability arising out of the application or use of any
-- information, product, or service described herein except as
-- expressly agreed to in writing by MITEL Corporation. MITEL
-- customers are advised to obtain the latest version of the
-- device specifications before relying on any published
-- information.
-- ............................................................65
-- 1.9.2000 VSN Systems / JTAG Technologies BV (JD)
-- Changed disable value from 0 to 1 for the following nets:
-- D[0..7], Rout, Sout, Dtab and IRQb

entity MT9300 is
       generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP:string:="LBGA_208");

port (
	RESETb    : in           bit;
	MCLK      : in           bit;
	Fsel      : in           bit;
	-- st-bus port
	C4ib      : in           bit;
	F0ib      : in           bit;
	Rin       : in           bit;
	Sin       : in           bit;
	Rout      : out          bit;
	Sout      : out          bit;
	ODE       : in           bit;
	-- internal connections
	IC0       : in           bit_vector(0 to 13);
	IC0_14    : linkage      bit; -- This is the MSBit of
-- the IC0 vector, and has been renamed IC0_14 because this is
-- a linkage bit, rather than an in bit. Not in BS chain.
	-- microport
	DSb       : in           bit;
	CSb       : in           bit;
	R_Wb      : in           bit;
	A         : in           bit_vector(0 to 10);
	D         : inout        bit_vector(0 to 7);
	DTAb      : out          bit;
	IRQb      : out          bit;
	-- TAP Controller
	TCK       : in           bit;
	TMS       : in           bit;
	TDI       : in           bit;
	TRSTb     : in           bit;
	TDO       : out          bit;
	-- Supplies and NC
	VDD1       : linkage      bit_vector(1 to 42);
					       -- not in BS chain
	VDD2       : linkage      bit_vector(1 to 8);
					       -- not in BS chain
	GND       : linkage      bit_vector(1 to 84);
					       -- not in BS chain
	NC        : linkage      bit_vector(1 to 18);
					       -- not in BS chain
	PLLVDD    : linkage      bit;	       -- not in BS chain
	PLLGND    : linkage      bit	       -- not in BS chain
  --end of ports

-- BSDL description conforms to 1994 standard
use STD_1149_1_1994.all;

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of MT9300: entity is

attribute PIN_MAP of MT9300: entity is

constant LBGA_208: PIN_MAP_STRING:=
  "D:( T2, T4, T6, T8, T9, T11, T13, T15),"&
  "A:( P16, N16, M16, L16, K16, J16, H16, G16, F16, E16, D16),"&
  "IC0:( E15, F15, A12, A10,  A6, A2, B1, B3, C1,"&
	 "C2, D2, E2, J2, K2),"&
-- TAP controller pins
-- Pins not scanned by boundary-scan
  "GND:( A1, A3, A7, A11, A13, A15, A16, B2, B6, B8, B12, B14, B15, B16, C3, C5,"&
        "C7, C9, C11, C12, C13, C14, C16, D4, D8, D10, D12, D13, E3, E4, E14, F13,"&
	"G3, G4, G7, G8, G9, G10, H7, H8, H9, H10, H13, H14, J7, J8, J9, J10,"&
	"K7, K8, K9, K10, K13, K14, L3, L4, M13, M14, M15, N3, N4, N5, N7, N9,"&
	"N11, N13, P2, P3, P5, P7, P9, P11, P13, P14, R2, R14, R15, R16, T1,"&
	"T3, T7, T10, T14, T16),"&
  "VDD1:( A5, A9, B4, B10, C4, C8, C10, D3, D5, D7, D9, D11, D14, E13, F3, F4, F14,"&
	"H3, H4, J13, J14, L13, L14, M3, M4, N6, N8, N10, N14, N15, P4, P6, P8,"&
	"P10, P15, R4, R6, R8, R10, R12, T5, T12),"&    
  "VDD2:( C6, D6, J3, J4, N12, P12, G13, G14),"& 
  "NC:( A14, C15, D1, D15, E1, F1, G1, G15, H1, H15, J1, J15, K1, K15, L1, L15, F2, L2)";

-- Scan port identification
  attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI:     signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS:   signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO:    signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRSTb:signal is true;
  attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK:  signal is (10.00e6, BOTH);

-- TAP Description
   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of MT9300: entity is 3;
   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of MT9300: entity is
   "BYPASS (111),"&
   "IDCODE (001),"&
   "EXTEST (000),"&
   "SAMPLE (010, 011, 100, 101, 110)";
   attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of MT9300: entity is "001";

-- ID code
  attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of MT9300: entity is
        "0000" &                  -- 4-bit version (0)
        "1001001100000000" &      -- 16-bit part number 9300
        "00010100101" &           -- 11-bit manufacturer (Mitel)
        "1";                      -- mandatory LSB

   attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of MT9300: entity is 60;

-- The first cell (i.e., numbered 0) is closest to TDO

   attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of MT9300: entity is

-- num   cell    port     function  safe  [ccell   disval   rslt]
   "59   (BC_4,  RESETb,  input,    0), "&
   "58   (BC_4,  MCLK,	  clock,    X), "&
   "57   (BC_4,  Fsel,    input,    X), "&
   "56   (BC_4,  IC0(9),  input,    0), "&
   "55   (BC_4,  IC0(10), input,    0), "&
   "54   (BC_4,  IC0(11), input,    0), "&
   "53   (BC_4,  C4ib,    clock,    X), "&
   "52   (BC_4,  F0ib,    input,    X), "&
   "51   (BC_4,  Rin,	  input,    X), "&
   "50   (BC_4,  Sin,     input,    X), "&
   "49   (BC_1,  Rout,	  output3,  X,     47,     1,       Z), "&
   "48   (BC_1,  Sout,    output3,  X,     47,     1,       Z), "&
   "47   (BC_1,  *,       control,  X), "&
   "46   (BC_4,  ODE,     input,    X), "&
   "45   (BC_4,  IC0(3),  input,    X), "&
   "44   (BC_4,  IC0(4),  input,    X), "&
   "43   (BC_4,  IC0(5),  input,    X), "&
   "42   (BC_4,  IC0(6),  input,    X), "&
   "41   (BC_4,  IC0(7),  input,    X), "&
   "40   (BC_4,  IC0(8),  input,    X), "&
   "39   (BC_4,  IC0(2),  input,    X), "&
   "38   (BC_4,  IC0(12), input,    X), "&
   "37   (BC_4,  IC0(13), input,    X), "&
   "36   (BC_4,  DSb,     input,    X), "&
   "35   (BC_4,  CSb,     input,    X), "&
   "34   (BC_4,  R_Wb,    input,    X), "&
   "33   (BC_1,  DTAb,    output3,  X,     32,     1,   Weak1), "&
   "32   (BC_1,  *,       control,  X), "&
   "31   (BC_4,  A(0),    input,    X), "&
   "30   (BC_4,  A(1),    input,    X), "&
   "29   (BC_4,  A(2),    input,    X), "&
   "28   (BC_4,  A(3),    input,    X), "&
   "27   (BC_4,  A(4),    input,    X), "&
   "26   (BC_4,  IC0(0),  input,    X), "&
   "25   (BC_4,  IC0(1),  input,    X), "&
   "24   (BC_4,  A(5),    input,    X), "&
   "23   (BC_4,  A(6),    input,    X), "&
   "22   (BC_4,  A(7),    input,    X), "&
   "21   (BC_4,  A(8),    input,    X), "&
   "20   (BC_4,  A(9),    input,    X), "&
   "19   (BC_4,  A(10),   input,    X), "&
   "18   (BC_4,  D(0),    input,    X), "&
   "17   (BC_1,  D(0),	  output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "16   (BC_4,  D(1),    input,    X), "&
   "15   (BC_1,  D(1),    output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "14   (BC_4,  D(2),    input,    X), "&
   "13   (BC_1,  D(2),    output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "12   (BC_4,  D(3),    input,    X), "&
   "11   (BC_1,  D(3),    output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "10   (BC_4,  D(4),    input,    X), "&
   "9    (BC_1,  D(4),    output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "8    (BC_4,  D(5),    input,    X), "&
   "7    (BC_1,  D(5),    output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "6    (BC_4,  D(6),    input,    X), "&
   "5    (BC_1,  D(6),    output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "4    (BC_4,  D(7),    input,    X), "&
   "3    (BC_1,  D(7),    output3,  X,      2,     1,       Z), "&
   "2    (BC_1,  *,	  control,  X), "&
   "1    (BC_1,  IRQb,    output3,  X,      0,     1,   Weak1), "&
   "0    (BC_1,  *,       control,  X) ";

end MT9300;